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3rd Party Emails

Emails that come from Publishers. These can be managed in Linex as an Email2Linex Forwarding Alert or as a Source. (See also Email2Linex and Rules)

Access Rights

The facility on Alerts and Sources whereby an Administrator can specify users who have permission to view an alert or source. There are two levels of access, Restricted Hidden or Restricted Visible. Restricted Hidden sources and alerts will only be visible to Administrators or those Readers who have been assigned to the Permitted Users list. Restricted Visible sources and alerts will be visible to all users, but unauthorised users who try to access a source they have no access rights to will get a message - this message can be defined by the Administrators.


Administrators are the people who are curating the content or Alerts in some way for the end user. This person can add and remove sources to My Firms Library, create and edit Alerts, save searches, create Source Collections and Article Collections and manage user lists. See Also: Global Manager


An Alert is the output of content. An Alert built in Linex, from one or more Sources, is a Nexis Alert, Shared Alert or a Personal Alert. An Alert created from a 3rd Party Email subscription is an Email2Linex Forwarding Alert.

Alert Edit View

The area where an Alert can be customised and scheduled. In this view, and Administrator can modify the details, Access Rights, template, scheduling, Alert Elements, and subscribers for the Alert.

Alert Element

An individual Source added to your Alert. This can be a RSS feed, web page, a Saved Search, an Email, a Source Collection or a Article Collection. Section Headers and Commentary can also be added as Elements.

Alert Management Page

This is found under the Administration tab and is only visible to Administrators of your site. Alerts can be created and managed from this page. The search at the top of the page as well as the filters on the left can aid in easily locating Alerts based on name, type, manager or key word.

Alert Topics

Used for the Shared Alert template style 'Group by Alert Topic'. These can be assigned on an alert by alert basis and articles from sources assigned to a specific topic will auto-assign to that section of the alert.


Users can view the previous publishes of an Alert by clicking the title of that Alert from the Alert Library. This is also true from the Alert Management Page for Administrators. The archive list will include up to 20 previous publishes of an Alert.

Article Collection

This is a collection of hand-picked articles. Article Collections are available as Sources to be added to an Alert and are used when you want a high level of control over an Alerts contents.

Commentary (Alert)

A free text section within the list of Alert Elements, which can be used to help separate topics or sources and provide additional information about the articles within the Alert. These are added on the Alert Elements tab on the Alert Edit page. Multiple Commentary sections can be added per Alert. Usually these are paired with Section Headers.

Distribution Group

See User.

E2L Rules Page

The area in which Administrators can edit existing Rules, delete Rules, link through to related Sources and Email2Linex Forwarding Alerts.

Email2Linex (also called E2L)

The functionality in Linex that allows you to receive email subscriptions from 3rd parties in order to use that content within your Linex library. Once you have received an email of a subscription, you can create a Rule choose to turn the email into a Source and/or a Forwarding Alert. You can then manage and use the content in Linex as you would any other Source. (See also Rules.)

Email2Linex Forwarding Alert

Emails that come from Publishers and are immediately pushed back out to a distribution list, maintaining the original format and branding from the Publisher.

Global Manager

Can do all that an Administrator can, but also has permissions to edit Alerts, Sources and Searches that are Managed By other Administrators.

Group User

See User.


A Source or Alert with an exclamation mark next to it is inactive.

  • Inactive Alert: means the alert will not publish even if it has a distribution list attached to it.
  • Inactive Source: means that content has not come in recently (6 months or more) for that source, thereby giving you an additional search filter to either exclude inactive sources or check sources that you use that are inactive.


The full library is all the public sources across Linex plus your own firm's private sources. See also My Firm's Library and My Alerts.

Linex Menu Bar

The bar across the top that follows you around wherever you are in Linex. When it is coloured you are in an admin view, when it is grey you are in an end user view.

Linex Search

A search carried out on the News page, searching law firm commentary, other professional services commentary and key publisher feeds that are on the Sources page. Searches can be done across other modules which your firm may have access to and can be found from the drop-down list next to the search box.

Managed By

The field by which you can nominate a person to be responsible for a Shared Alert, Saved Search or Source. If managed by none then all Administrators can edit. If it is managed by an individual then only the manager can make changes to that Alert, Search or Source, unless the Administrator is also a Global Manager.

Manual Frequency

When set to Manual Frequency, an Alert will only go when an Administrator clicks on Manual Publish. Can apply to a Shared Alert or a Personal Alert. Mostly used to allow for review of content prior to Manual Publish where individual articles can be deleted in the Preview.

Manual Publish

The action of choosing to publish the Alert at the click of a button rather than a pre-scheduled time.

Mass Update

The action that allows an Administrator to modify the Managed By, Access Rights or Premium Content status of multiple sources or alerts simultaneously. Icon only appears once items have been selected.

My Alerts

Accessed by the Reader from their Personal Menu, displays:

  • Personal Alert (if the organisation has this in their subscription) with a Manage menu, including scheduling options and alert element ordering. The sources tab,the Alert Builder, shows Readers the sources in their alert and allows them tosearch for and find other elements they wish to add to their Personal Alert.
  • Shared Alerts- This tab displays the alerts to which the Reader is subscribed and all other organisation alerts available to the Reader. A search can be performed to find other alerts that they wish to subscribe to as well.

My Firm's Library

My Firm's Library are your private sources plus all those sources that have been selected to go into Alerts or have be specially added to the My Firm's Library collection by the Administrator. This also includes all Email2Linex subscriptions.

News Page

Where you can search for articles. This feature is available to those who have registered for the free service but features like Saved Searches, in-built searches for Twitter and the ability to create Alerts from those searches are not possible without a subscription.

Nexis Alert

An Alert that contains just one Nexis search. It has many of the same properties as a Shared Alert but you cannot add other sources to it unless you choose to convert it to a Shared Alert. A Nexis Alert is created when a customer who has the in-built Nexis search creates an alert directly from a search.

Subscriber Limit

The maximum number of subscribers an alert can have. Administrators set this when an alert has a limited number of subscriptions allowed, usually due to licensing terms. This is especially relevant for 3rd party forwarding alerts.

Permitted Users

The list of specific users who are permitted to view and subscribe to an alert or source from the My Alerts subpages. For sources, grants access to click through to the full text of an article as well as allows articles from the restricted source to return as part of Linex News searches.

Personal Alerts

The function that allows end users to create and manage their own Alert from a set of Sources defined by the Administrator from My Firm's Library. Each user can have one Personal Alert (permitting your subscription allowance) with as many Sources added to that Alert as they wish, but users can also be subscribed to numerous Shared Alerts. Personal Alerts can be set up by the end user or by the Administrator.

Personal Alert Builder

Available for the Reader from the My Alerts page. The Reader can search for and find elements they wish to add to their Personal Alert.

Personal Menu

The menu of functionality available to users found in the drop-down under the users name on the top toolbar. an option on the Linex menu bar under the users name, where users can edit their own details and log out. They can see the Alerts to which they subscribe. Administrators will also have the option to open searches and collections as well as upload articles.

Personal Search

All saved searches in Linex are automatically private to your organisation. When you save a search in Linex, you get the additional option to make it personal to yourself. If a search is marked as Personal - it is only accessible by the user from Open My Searches on their Personal Menu. It cannot be added to any Shared Alert. But can be added to a Personal Alert (if your subscription has Personal Alerts) for the user whose search it is. Personal searches will not appear on the Source Management Page.


Allows an Administrator to view an Alert before it goes out. From the Preview you can delete individual articles, edit the title and summary of individual articles and Test Publish an alert to see how an alert will look to the end user.

Private Feeds

All Sources that are private to your organisation including premium content, saved searches and 3rd Party Emails.


An end user. Not an Administrator. Subscribing organisation can choose to give Readers access to basic functions such as subscribing themselves to alerts and running searches. For those organisations who have Personal Alerts a reader may be able to create and edit their own alert depending on what setting the organisation has designated for their Readers.


Allows Administrators to track the viewing of Alerts as it relates to end users.

Restricted Hidden / Restricted Visible


Used in the context of the Email2Linex function, the rules that match incoming emails such as the sender's email address and the subject line of the Alert. (See also Email2Linex)

Saved Search

A search can be performed on the general Linex search area which covers law firm commentary and major press, or with one of the subscription content providers like Lexis, PLC, Westlaw. The search can be saved and then included as an element in an Alert or opened to aid content finding for an Article Collection. You can also create an Alert at the time of saving a search.

Section Header (Alert)

Section Headers are used to help separate topics or sources within an Alert. These are added on the Alert Elements tab on the Alert Edit page. Clicking on the Section Header from the table of contents will quickly take users to that section of the Alert. Multiple headers can be used within an Alert.

SharePoint WebPart

The Linex customisable WebPart that allows you to view your sources and Alerts on your Sharepoint 2010 or 2013 intranet.

Shared Alert

An Alert which is set up by an Administrator and can have one or more people on the distribution list. The Alert Elements may include any type of Source. (See also Alert and Personal Alert)


An empty Alert, to which you add your chosen Alert Elements.


This is any web page, RSS feed, 3rd party email, or saved search indexed in Linex. Groupings of articles, called an Article Collection, are also Sources.

Source Collection

A group of bookmarked Sources which cannot otherwise be categorized using tags. Source Collections are created on the Source Management Page. The Collection can then be searched across and/or can be added to Alert as a single Alert Element. A Source Collection can include 3rd party emails, website pages or RSS feeds. A Source Collection cannot include a search.

Source Management Page

This is found under the Administration tab and is only visible to Administrators of your site. Sources can be added and managed from this page as can Source Collections. The search at the top of the page as well as the filters on the left can aid in easily locating Sources based on name, type, manager or key word.

System Administrator

Someone who has an Administrator status but can also set Global Managers and can access the Tag Management Page.


These are used to categorize articles, Sources and Alerts and are especially useful for refining searches.

Tag Group

This is optional. For organisations that have a lot of Tag Lists and want to group their Tag Lists together, you might use a Tag Group.

Tag List

A Tag List is a client created collection of tags. A Tag List becomes visible on the Source Management, Alert Management and My News pages where there are items with that tag in the results.

Tag Management Page

Available to System Administrators under the Administration menu.

Test Publish

Allows an Administrator to see how an alert will look to the end user by sending a copy only to the Administrator without clearing the content from the Alert. Can be found within the Preview window and on the Alert Edit page, by selecting Publish Test Publish.

Upload Article

The ability to add Word documents or PDFs, that might be on your computer or in your know-how system, to an Alert. You can also add articles that you cant find in Linex, but which are available on the internet or on your intranet.


Readers and Administrators. For groups, there are different labels depending on how the data is collated:

  • Group User -practicegroup@myfirm.com - a single email address that is linked to a shared inbox or has multiple recipients. Linex is unable to see which users receive emails to this address and tracking cannot be used to determine individual usage statistics for those receiving emails to this address.
  • Distribution Group -updated through automated ftp uploads of a.csv file. The file will include the name of the group and the constituent members of that group. The Group Management page displays the various groups and displays the users. This allows an Administrator to subscribe or unsubscribe a distribution group to an alert while still allowing individual tracking on Reader statistics.

User Management Page

This is found under the Administration tab and is only visible to Administrators of your site. Users can be added and managed from this page. The majority of users will be Readers, except for the Administrators and Intranet or Distribution Groups. These latter users are system ones that are related to integrating and sharing content more efficiently.

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