This guide is designed to give you a few ideas about what to start trying out first in Linex.
Login to your account
You can access the Linex platform at If you don't know your password then type in your email address and request a password reminder via the link in the login box.
Add a Source to your Library
- From the Administration menu go to Source Management.
- From the Options menu choose + Add Source
Add users to your account
- From the Administration menu go to User Management.
- From the Options menu choose '+ New User'.
Fill out the details for the user and either assign a password or allow the system to auto-generate* one, and save.
*If you choose to auto-generate, the user will need to request a password reminder when logging into the site for the first time. They will then receive a notification to their registered email address.
Create an Alert directly from a saved search
- Run a search from the News page.
- Once happy with the results, from the Options menu choose 'Create Alert'.
- You will now be in the edit view of the Alert.
- To make this alert live, you must:
- Activate it - from the Alert's Options menu, choose 'Activate'.
- Subscribe at least one user - on the Subscriber tab, begin typing a user's name to see the automated matches.
Create a Shared Alert with multiple sources
- From the Options menu on the Alert Management page choose '+ New Alert'.
- Once on the Alert edit page, go to the 'Alerts Elements' tab.
- From the drop down menu choose 'Find searches/sources'.
- Add sources or saved searches to your Alert.
- From the Alert's Options menu, choose 'Activate'.
- Subscribe at least one user - on the Subscriber tab, begin typing a user's name to see the automated matches.
- Review the other tabs such as schedule and template. Save any changes and preview the changes to see what the different template options mean for the Alert's display and information.
Create a Personal Alert
- From the menu under your name, choose My Alerts.
- Click on 'Create' (this option will not be available if you don't have the Personal Alert module).
- Once you have created a Personal Alert, your page will refresh and you will now see the list of sources available to choose from by searching, filtering and/or scrolling through the list.
Route an email subscription into your Email2Linex inbox
- Address your email to your Email2Linex address (your address will be supplied by your account manager).
- Visit your Email2Linex inbox to see if the subscription has arrived.
- Tick the email and click on the + to create a new rule for the subscription.
- Follow the steps in the Email2Linex rule wizard.