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Optimising your Saved Searches in Linex


As you know, when you are running a search in Linex, by default you are searching across all sources and publishers available on the platform. Please see below some ways to refine these keyword saved searches. Do remember to refer to our knowledge article on creating Saved Searches and also our Search Tips guide.

1. Searching across a single Source

If you wish to to search against an individual source, you can run a keyword search across it. This could be useful if you wish to narrow your results to match certain search criteria within one source.  

You can do this from your Source Management page by selecting ‘Run Search’ from the drop down menu to the left of your chosen source.


2. Searching across a specific set of Sources

Similarly, it is also possible to run and save a search across Source Collections. This would allow you to hand-pick a specified group of sources to run your search across. For example, if you only wanted your search terms to match articles from 5 individual sources from the BBC, you would create a collection of those sources and run your search across it.

3. Using Source Tags as search filters

Tagging is another way of achieving a refined set of search result. Tags are useful for categorising articles and sources and can be used as filters on your News page, as all articles of tagged Sources will inherit that tag. Please note only System Administrators can create and manage Tag Lists. If you have any further questions regarding this, please refer to the following knowledge article.

4. Refining your search using Publisher Filters

Don’t forget that you can set Publisher Filters for your platform via your Client Dashboard. By default, when you run a search in Linex you are searching across content from all publishers. Publisher Filters allow you to dictate a list of publishers you wish to track, which would result in you pulling in a refined set of articles for your search. This differs from Source Collections and Tags, as if a new source comes into Linex that is not tagged or in a source collection etc but is from a selected publisher then the content will automatically feed into that publisher filter.

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